Monday, September 21, 2009

Pledge to Free Internet and End Digital Divide

Today I signed the following online pledge:

I pledge to work to extend access to the Internet -- the open, free Internet -- to all, across boundaries of place, culture and class.

 As a member of the community, it is my duty to support this action and it totally aligns with one of my convictions which is to eliminate Digital Divide.

And my reply to the participation question:

Around 2 years ago following the National ICT strategic plan for Mauritius committee ( in which I was present), free internet access was granted to elderly and children in all Post offices and village community centres. Computers were deployed in most of these places around the island with an ongoing growth of the number of the internet kiosks. This has been a very successful measure to bridge the gap between the rich and the needy. Today there is no limitations to who can use those stations to have access to the web. What is needed now is adequate training and guidance empower these 'new' internet users with ICT skills. My participation at this stage is to gather a crowd of volunteers to provide training services from village to village. This will be done during weekends only due to my job commitments and also to reach a maximum population. I am currently working collaboratively with a colleague to build the course on pedagogical grounds.

And I welcome those who wanna join me in this quest:

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